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Peter- the emotional story of a 10 years old boy and a baby goat, Trailer launched

Peter- the emotional story of a 10 years old boy and a baby goat, Trailer launched

The trailer of Marathi film Peter An emotional story of a 10 years old boy Dhanya and a baby goat launched at Mumbai suburban in presence of cast and crew. Under the banner of  Aanandi Enterprise and Jumping Tomato Marketing Pvt. Ltd. in association with the Seven Colours Cinevision. The film Peter is directed by Amol Arvind Bhave. Along with the trailer, the songs were also released with the live performance by singer Saee Joshi. The event was followed by media interaction. 

The producer-cum-director Amol Arvind Bhave, along with other producers Dipankar Ramteke and Rohandeep Singh were present at the event. The star cast Prem Borhade, Manisha Bhor, Amol Pansare, Vinietaa Sancheti and Siddheshwar Siddhesh were also present at the event along with musician Shree Gurunath Shree, Singer Saee Joshi and lyricist Rangnath Gajre.  

Peter is an emotional story of a 10 year old boy Dhanya and a baby-goat. The innocent friendship between these two is heart-touching. Dhanya’s grandfather took Dhanya’s uncle to Godman because there have been 5 years Dhanya’s uncle was not having a kid. Godman says them to sacrifice a goat to lord sonoba.

Dhanya’s father and his uncle start searching for a goat but due to village fair, all the goats had been already sacrificed. After searching in the other nearby villages also they couldn’t find any goat. After searching so much in front of one house they saw one baby goat whose mother was beaten by a snake and had died, that baby goat was too small for the sacrifice. They planned to sacrifice that baby goat after raising it for 5-6 months so they brought that baby goat to their home. The raising of the baby goat comes to Dhanya who gladly accepts it and treats the baby goat as his brother.

Dhanya was called spiderman by everyone, due to this his school friends starts calling the baby goat as “Peter”. The affection between Dhanya and Peter grew day by day, Dhanya’s mother was watching this. Peter was also growing up day by day this made Dhanya’s mother worry about Peter, then the sacrifice day came, Dhanya’s mother starts to refuse the sacrifice then also they took peter to sacrifice.

After seeing all this Dhanya goes in shock. But soon Dhanya’s all family members come to know that his uncle and aunt will never have kids as his aunt was taking contraceptive pills, then they come to know that the Godman was false and in all this Peter had to sacrifice his life and Dhanya was alive but he seemed to be dead. To cure Dhanya his mother starts putting efforts.

Watch in theatre on 22nd January 2021 to know what happens to the baby-goat. Have Dhanya’s mother’s efforts succeeded? Is Dhanya cured? Zee Music has released the music of the film.

On the occasion, Amol Arvind Bhave quoted Peter as an emotional film. The relationship between a young boy and a baby-goat has been beautifully shown on the screen. Animals built up the bonding very innocently. I am really grateful to the cast and crew for the fabulous job. Such amazing stories and performances will lead the Marathi film industry to great heights. With the green signal from the government authority, we are releasing the film on 22nd January.

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